Irish wildflowers in October

Some Irish wildflowers still flowering in October. Please hover over each image to show the Common and Irish name, and more photographs, information and a distribution map for each wildflower can be seen by clicking on each image.

balsam,himalayan (lus na pléisce) bittercress,hairy (searbh-bhiolar giobach) brambles (dris) buttercup,meadow (fearbán féir) butterwort,pale (leith uisce beag) campion,red (coireán coilleach) dead-nettle,red (neantóg chaoch dhearg) dodder,common (clamhán) fat hen (praiseach fhiáin) fleabane,mexican (nóinín balla) forget-me-not,field (lus míonla giort) forget-me-not,water (ceotharnach uisce) fuchsia (na fiúsaíos) fumitory (deatach talún) gentian,autumn (muilcheann) gorse,european (aiteann gallda) gorse,western (aiteann gaelach) hawkbit,autumn (caisearrbhán caol dearg) heath,st.dabeoc's (fraoch na haon choise) heather,bell (fraoch fireann) herb robert (ruithéal rí) hogweed (feabhrán) ivy (eidheán) knotweed,giant (glúineach chapaill) knotweed,himalayan (glúineach spiceach) knotweed,japanese (glúineach bhiorach) mint,spear (cartlainn gharraí) mint,water (mismín mionsach) monbretia (feileastram dearg) mudwort (lus lathaí) orache,spear-leaved (eilifleog leathan) pansy,field (lus croí) pansy,sand (goirmín duimhche) parsley piert (mionán muire) pellitory-of-the-wall (feabhraíd) penny-cress,field (praiseach fhia) penny-cress,field (praiseach fhia) persicaria,pale (ghlúineach bhán) ragwort (buachlán buí) ragwort,hybrid redshank (ghlúineach dhearg) scabious,devils-bit (odhrach bhallach) shepherds purse (lus an sparáin) skullcap,lesser (cochall beag) sow-thistle,perennial (bleachtán léana) speedwell,thyme-leaved (lus an treacha) speedwell,wall (lus cre balla) spurge,sun (lus na bhfaithní) thrift (rabhán) violet,dog (fanaigse) watercress,narrow-fruited (biolar mion) water-purslane (puirpín uisce) willowherb,new zealand (saileachán sraoilleach) wormwood,sea (liath na trá) yarrow (athair thalún) yellow-wort (gréimire buí)

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Below: Wood Avens, Pale Persicaria and the hybrid between Common and Marsh Ragwort
avens,wood (machall coille) persicaria,pale (glúineach bhán) ragwort,hybrid

Below: White Clover, Celery-leaved Buttercup and a late-flowering Ragged Robin
clover,white (seamair bhán) buttercup, celery-leaved (toircheas fiáin) ragged robin (plúr na cuaiche)
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