Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photos: The Gearagh, Co.Cork

Hybrid Bluebell
Hyacinthoides x massartiana (H. non-scripta x H. hispanica)
Family: Lilaceae

Fertile hybrid between native Bluebell and the introduced Spanish Bluebell.
Flowers April-June. Perennial. Introduced.

Paler-blue flowers than the native bluebell, mauve and white forms also occur. Petal-tips slightly curled upwards. Wider, longer leaves than bluebell. Vigorous, increases by seed and bulbils.

Most frequently cultivated bluebell, hybridises with native bluebells. Common
garden escape or discard, increasing. Established on roadsides, waste ground
and in woodland. Occurs in absence of parents.

Hybrid Bluebell. The Gearagh, Co.Cork. April 2008

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