Irish wildflowers sitemap

Slender Trefoil, Trifolium micranthum
ID by Paul Green, Co. Wexford

Slender Trefoil
Trifolium micranthum
Seamair bheag
Family: Fabaceae

Flowering: June-August. Annual. Native / introduced.

Small yellow flowers, 2-6 in each head. Short-notched standard. Fruits 1-2 seeded. Trifoliate leaves, centre leaflet very short-stalked. Sparsely hairy plant. Prostrate to ascending growth. To 15cm.

Infrequent. Often coastal, mainly S and E. Lawns, paths, sandy coastal grassland. Tolerant of mowing, trampling. Native in some areas, introduced in others.

Similar: Small specimens of Lesser Trefoil, Trifolium dubium

Slender Trefoil, Trifolium micranthum      Slender Trefoil, Trifolium micranthum

Slender Trefoil, Trifolium micranthum
Slender Trefoil, Trifolium micranthum. June 2010

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