Irish wildflowers sitemap

Mare's-tail, Hippuris vulgaris
Photos: Rinecaha, the Burren

Hippuris vulgaris
Family: Hippuridaceae

Flowering June - July. Aquatic perennial. Native.

Tiny greenish flowers without petals at base of leaves on emergent stems, male flowers with single reddish anther. Whorls of strap-like leaves on round, spongy stems. Erect emergent stems, trailing when submerged.

Can be locally frequent in base-rich lakes, swamps, upland flushes and slow-moving streams and canals. Most frequent in central Ireland.

Mare's-tail, Hippuris vulgaris       Mare's-tail, Hippuris vulgaris

Mare's-tail, Hippuris vulgaris
Mare's-tail, Hippuris vulgaris. Rinecaha, the Burren, July 2009

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