Irish wildflowers sitemap

Blue Sow-thistle, Cicerbita macrophylla
Photos: Co. Waterford

Blue Sow-thistle
Cicerbita macrophylla
Bleachtán gorm
Family: Asteraceae

Flowering July - September. Perennial. Introduced, garden escape.

Pale-blue flowers, flowerheads in broad, loose, terminal clusters. Hairless, slightly winged fruit. Leaves pale-green. Long-stalked lower leaves are slightly toothed with large, +/- rounded terminal lobes. Erect, hairy, branched plant, height to 2m. Spreads by strong rhizones.

Occasional in Ireland on waste ground, roadsides and river banks.

Blue Sow-thistle, Cicerbita macrophylla
Blue Sow-thistle, Cicerbita macrophylla. County Waterford, July 2009

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