Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photos: Ardmore, Co.Waterford

Common Broomrape
Orobanche minor
Múchóg bheag
Family: Orobanchaceae

Flowering June-September. Usually annual. Introduced.

Two-lipped flowers are usually dull yellowish, tinged purple. Flowers equal to or shorter than bracts. Stigma lobes usually purple, sometimes yellow.
Stems usually purplish. very variable. Produces no chlorophyll, parasitic on roots of a variety of plants but mainly found on Trifolium species. Height: 15-60cm.

Cultivated ground, often introduced with grass seed. Most frequent in S and E, scattered distribution elsewhere in Ireland.
Similar: Ivy Broomrape, O. hederae


Common Broomrape. Ardmore, Co.Waterford. May 2008

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