Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photographs: County Cork

Rock Stonecrop
Sedum forsterianum
Grafán creige
Family: Crassulaceae

Flowering: June-August. Perennial. Introduced garden escape.

Many-flowered cymes of yellow flowers, flowering shoots 15-20cm tall.
Erect stem leaves, slightly flattened on upper side, sharp-tipped.
Non-flowering shoots flat-topped with dead leaves persisting lower on stem.
Mat-forming growth. Populations can be variable.

Prefers open, dry, well-drained ground. Garden escape sometimes naturalised on walls, quarries, churchyards, waste ground. Scattered distribution, most frequently recorded S and NE Ireland. Introduced.



Rock Stonecrop. Ballyvourney February 2008 and near Kinsale June 2008

Please Contact me if you find mistakes. All images used are copyright.