Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photographs: Cork city

Physalis peruviana
Family: Solanaceae

Perennial. Introduced. Infrequent alien.

Broadly bell-shaped solitary flowers, creamy-yellow with dark blotches in throat. Calyx 5-lobed, purplish-green, hairy. Calyx tube enlarges and becomes straw-coloured husk, much larger than fruit.
Green berries, ripening yellow-orange. Many small yellow seeds.
Leaves cordate, randomly toothed, pointed. Spreading ribbed branches. Hairy. Height: Usually to 100cm, can grow to 1.8m.

Very infrequent, few records of Physalis for Ireland.
Identification confirmed by Paul Green

Above: Cape-gooseberry. Car park, Cork city. January 2008

Please Contact me if you find mistakes. All images used are copyright.