Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photos: Patrick Slavin, Co.Clare

Common Twayblade
Listera ovata
Family: Orchidaceae

Flowering time: May-July. Rhizomatous perennial. Native.

Spike of many small, stalked, yellowish-green flowers. Spur-less.
Tiny bracts. Petals and sepals form loose hood. Lip pendent, notched.
Only two leaves on stem above ground level. Dull-green, oval, ribbed.
Stem downy above, hairless below. Height: 20-60cm.

Found on mildly acidic to calcareous soils. Grassland, woodlands, dunes,
limestone pavements, heathland, fens.

Photographs immediately above: Common Twayblade. County Cork. July 2008. © Jenny Seawright

Please Contact me if you find mistakes. All images used are copyright.