Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photographs: Burren, Co.Clare

Irish Eyebright
Euphrasia salisburgensis var. hibernica
Glanrosc gaelach
Family: Scrophulariaceae

Flowering: July-September. Semi-parasitic annual. Native.

Small 2-lipped white flowers, small lower lip. Oblong, hairless seed capsule.
(var. hibernica has smaller flowers than the continental E. salisburgensis)
Narrow leaves and bracts with few long teeth in upper half.
Bronze/purple coloured. Slender erect/spreading branches, 0-7. Semi-parasitic.

Infertile calcareous ground, grassland, dunes, scrub. Only in Western Ireland, absent from Britain. Part of Lusitanian Flora. Confirmed by Alan Silverside.

Photographs: The Burren, Co.Clare. August 2007

Please Contact me if you find mistakes. All images used are copyright.