Irish wildflowers sitemap

Photos: The Burren, Co.Clare

Carline Thistle
Carlina vulgaris
Feochadán mín
Family: Asteraceae

Flowering time: July-Septeber. Biennial. Native.

Rayless flowerheads, golden/purplish tubular florets surrounded by
prominent yellowish bracts. Solitary or in groups of 2-5.
Leaf rosette in 1st year (below), withers before the 2nd season flowering.
Stem leaves alternate, spiny margins, cottony below. Height: 10-60cm.

Dry infertile calcareous grassland. Dunes, rock ledges, un-stable sea-cliffs.
Most frequent central and W Ireland.

Photographs above: Carline Thistle. The Burren, Co.Clare. August 2007

Please Contact me if you find mistakes. All images used are copyright.