Irish wildflowers sitemap

Perforate St. John's-wort
Hypericum perforatum
Lus na Maighdine Muire
Family: Hypericaceae

Flowering time: June-September. Perennial. Native.

Golden-yellow flowers, black dots on petal edges, pointed sepals.
Leaves oblong-elliptic, many transluscent dots are visible when held up to light. Stems round with 2 raised ridges. Hairless. Height: 30-90 cm.

Common on grassland, roadsides, hedge banks, scrubland. Often grows on drier, neutral or more calcareous ground than Imperforate St. John's-wort.

Similar: Imperforate St. John's-wort, H. maculatum.
Square un-winged stems, no transluscent leaf spots. Damper ground.
Des Etangs' St. John's-wort, Hypericum x desetangsii.
Hybrid between Imperforate St. John's-wort and Perforate St. John's-wort

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